Are Pro-Lifers Stuck With the Republican Party?

Sunday, November 9, 2008 \PM\.\Sun\.

Every election cycle, the New York Times and similar publications run op-eds or features discussing the ’emerging trend’ (always emerging, never quite emerged) of pro-lifers reconciling themselves to voting for the Democratic party. These articles vary widely in quality, and range from intelligent and provocative (if flawed) to embarrassing, but the most common feature is disenchantment with the current state of the Republican party. I will grant that the case has been easier to make this year given the widespread dissatisfaction with the Republican party (particularly among the chattering classes).

Nevertheless, I think the answer to the title of this post is that, yes, pro-lifers are stuck with, or at least would be best served by, support for the Republican party. Some points for consideration:

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Let’s Get Started!

Sunday, November 9, 2008 \PM\.\Sun\.

Great: President-elect Obama is planning to quickly change President Bush’s ban on federal funding for research that creates & kills human beings to get their precious embryonic stem cells.

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Interesting Blog Alert!

Sunday, November 9, 2008 \AM\.\Sun\.

One of the joys of the internet is stumbling upon something new and wonderful, at least to the stumbler.  I have always had a strong interest in science fiction.  I recently came across the Sci-Fi Catholic blog which explores the genre from a Catholic perspective.  The proprietor of the blog, D. G. D. Davidson, is a convert to the Faith and a graceful writer.

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