Happy Father’s Day

Sunday, June 20, 2010 \AM\.\Sun\.

We Dads are a fairly simple lot, most of us.  Just feed us a good meal and give us some peace and quiet, and most of us will be quite happy today.  Besides, for most fathers every day is Father’s Day, as we quietly thank God for giving us that honor and that responsibility.

Grammar Nazis Attack!

Sunday, June 20, 2010 \AM\.\Sun\.

Hattip to commenter RL.  Content advisory as to one incident of Nazi like nihilistic violence at the end.   (Go here to view the video, as the embedding has been disabled since I drafted the post.)

Some people think it is in bad taste to use Nazis in a humorous fashion.  I respectfully disagree.  Laughing at the Nazis is one of the best ways to remember them on the ash heap of history.  Too often they are given almost demonic status as avatars of evil which is precisely the wrong way to remember them.  I agree with the late Werner Klemperer, a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany who served in the US Army during WW2.  Decades after the war he would play the bumbling Colonel Klink on the television show Hogan’s Heroes.  Klemperer said that he would go to his grave happy knowing that he had helped make the Nazis look ridiculous.

Of course Hitler is not amused which is rather the point.  Content advisory:  Hitler uses extremely rough language, but what else can we expect of Hitler?

Hitler and his followers dreamed of a thousand year reich.  They believed that they were reshaping the future of all of mankind.  Ending up as the butt of humor is the worst fate that any true believing Nazi could have envisioned for his movement.

Attention Las Vegas Catholics

Sunday, June 20, 2010 \AM\.\Sun\.

This is a request for assistance from our readers to suggest a good parish inside the Diocese of Las Vegas for my family.

What I am asking in particular is a parish that has an orthodox priest that celebrates the Mass reverently.  That is not asking much.  Preferably a holy and charitable priest.

To be more specific, though this isn’t necessary, it would be nice if the architecture of the church did not resemble a Brady Bunch-1970s style of a building.  Again, preferably, a church with pre-Vatican II type of architecture.

What do I mean by reverently?

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