Father Frank Pavone on the Killing of Tiller

Sunday, May 31, 2009 \PM\.\Sun\.

Hattip to Catholic Fire.

Tiller the Killer Killed

Sunday, May 31, 2009 \PM\.\Sun\.

George Tiller

George Tiller, the foremost practitioner of late term abortions in this country, was shot to death this morning as he was acting as an usher at  Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita Kansas.  This is of course a terrible crime, and whoever committed  it must pay the full penalty exacted by the law.  What George Tiller did for a living was also a terrible crime, even though it was legal.  May God have mercy on his soul.  The type of violence that took the life of Tiller is just as opposed to the pro-life movement as is the violence that he perpetrated on the innocent.

Update I: Press conference by police video here.

Update II: Suspect in custody.

Update III: More information about the suspect and the crime.

Update IV: The name of the man in custody is Scott Roeder.

More Trouble in Connecticut

Sunday, May 31, 2009 \AM\.\Sun\.

 Bishop William Lori

Regular readers of this blog will recall back in March when I posted on the situation in Connecticut where an attempt was made by anti-Catholic bigots in the state legislature to unconstitutionally interfere with the governance of the Catholic Church in that state.  Massive outrage in Connecticut and around the nation caused the anti-Catholic bigots to retreat and cancel the proposed hearing on their bill.

Now, Bishop William Lori of the Diocese of Bridgeport is reporting that the State of Connecticut has advised him that the efforts of the Diocese to publicize and fight the anti-Catholic and unconstitutional bill constituted “lobbying” and that the Diocese may be subject to civil penalties.  Let us be very clear on this point.  This is obviously an attempt by anti-Catholic bigots in Connecticut to continue their war against the Church.  Speaking out against bad legislation goes to the heart of why this country was founded.  An attack on this right is an attack on our ability to take part in how we are governed.  This attack on the Diocese of Bridgeport is an attack on every American who believes in the principles enunciated in the Declaration of Independence.  As the Bishop notes, the Diocese has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit  against this attempt by Connecticut to muzzle free speech.  This is absolutely outrageous conduct by the powers-that-be in Connecticut and should alarm not only every Catholic in this nation, but every American who cherishes freedom.